"Good morning, Gold Coast!" -- you said as you open your door wide on a Sunday morning. The sun is shining brightly, you are settled on the veranda, sipping your hot coffee and reading the bundle of papers containing the news today. The newspapers' headline is " Why Australia has a serious gambling problem " and below this piece of writing is news about a certain celebrity who has a serious drinking or drug habit. What catches your attention more? I am quite sure that you will read the scandal news first, Correct?
Shocking news spread faster and wider than good news. Some study shows that a person's mind is a lot more attractive to the negative thoughts than the positive ones. Many of us are interested in hearing about the tragedies, hardships, and failures of others. Bad news may be shared with nearly twice as many people as good news. That is the reality.
It also applies when you own a business. You have a website or even just a Facebook page where your customers can rate your products and services. Sure, you will get some nice 5 star “Great People, Super Service” quotes, but what happens when a certain somebody leaves a negative review or a poor rating about you, every 5-star rating there suddenly becomes not interesting at all. Those "Good job to these guys" and "I will recommend you to my friends" comments will be ignored. It is like a bomb dropped right in front of you without any warning. BOOOOOOM! You and your business are done. Fast as that.
The good reputation you treasured for many years since you've started your business is now gone in just a few clicks of the keyboard. That is how much a single online review could hurt you. You never know where these reviews will be placed, so can you watch all different sites all day long? Why don't you ask someone to maintain your online presence to keep up with your reviewers? Instead of you absorbing all those opinions, have someone handle it for you.
We can help you, Search Marketing Specialists is the leading digital agency servicing Gold Coast and Central Coast. We make finding your business online possible and strive to help your business grow more. Visit our site or give us a call, we want to make sure there is no BOOM in your business, just a Boom in revenues with the success of great reviews spreading fast.With over 30 years combined experience in Digital Marketing we have been helping local Gold Coast and regional businesses in Australia Grow by designing an affordable customised conversion design website for their business and providing bespoke Digital Marketing Services. We are a full-service digital marketing agency that is consistently proving to achieve results for our customers. We are locally owned and based in the Gold Coast, if you need help with your Digital Marketing get in contact with us today.
SEO which is where we rank your website with Google to organically appear on the 1st page of Google 24/7 through Search Engine Optimisation on and off your website our SEO services are done locally in the Gold Coast.
Google Ads Management want to get the most conversions and not just clicks or wasted clicks? Our Google Ads Management services are done in house this means we have full control no software to automatically run no set and forget but real hands on management and real results so more calls and form fills.
Facebook marketing, we offer Facebook Ads management and reputation management to help your business achieve results using social media to promote and get leads for your business to meet your business needs and goals.
SEO which is where we rank your website with Google to organically appear on the 1st page of Google 24/7 through Search Engine Optimisation on and off your website our SEO services are done locally in the Gold Coast.
Google Ads Management want to get the most conversions and not just clicks or wasted clicks? Our Google Ads Management services are done in house this means we have full control no software to automatically run no set and forget but real hands on management and real results so more calls and form fills.
Facebook marketing, we offer Facebook Ads management and reputation management to help your business achieve results using social media to promote and get leads for your business to meet your business needs and goals.
With over 30 years combined experience in Digital Marketing we have been helping local Gold Coast and regional businesses in Australia Grow by designing an affordable customised conversion design website for their business and providing bespoke Digital Marketing Services. We are a full-service digital marketing agency that is consistently proving to achieve results for our customers. We are locally owned and based in the Gold Coast, if you need help with your Digital Marketing get in contact with us today.